Send us a question on our bulk upload content creator and we will answer it here on our FAQ page.

How to the pricing/service tiers work?
How to the pricing/service tiers work?
Tier 1: Not only is setting up an account free, it doesn’t require a credit card. On tier 1, you get to verify and add a website to you account and run the csv export for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can also export in any of the ten supported social media automation tool formats (Hootsuite etc.). The csv export is limited to 10 posts.

Tier 2: For only $4 a month you get a 300 post calendar limit per website, Saved Content Calendars. Maximum 1 verified website (same domain email verification or upload txt file to root folder or add txt record to DNS).

Tier 3: For only $7 a month you get 1000 post calendar limit per website, Saved Content Calendars, Team Collaboration (up to 3 members), 15 verified websites (same domain email verification or upload txt file to root folder or add txt record to DNS).

How do I end my subscription?
How do I end my subscription?

A subscription can be ended at anytime by clicking “Cancel Subscription in the Account Settings section of the app. Your account will still function until the end of the billing period but your credit card will no longer be charged.

What payment methods do you accept
What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards.

How do I pay my invoice?
How do I pay my invoice?

Invoices are automatically charged to your credit card until you cancel your subscription. If you lose account access and want to cancel your credit card, simply email us at billing@socialmediahammer.com with your your cancellation request, your name and account details and we will cancel it for you.

What are my terms and conditions?
What are my terms and conditions?

You can view the Terms of Service Here: https://www.socialmediahammer.com/terms-of-service/

What social media automations tools do your create bulk upload csv files for?
What social media automations tools do your create bulk upload csv files for?

Currently we can create bulk upload csv files for:

You can use any and all of these cvs bulk upload features with any subscription level. So, if you are a digital marketing agency or a reseller on websites like Fiverr or Upwork, you can offer bulk upload csv creation for all of these social media automation tools. We don’t restrict how often you can switch between export file formats.

How do I suggest a new feature?
How do I suggest a new feature?

Just send an email to info@socialmediahammer.com and let us how what feature you would like to see.

I’ve got technical questions, where should I go?
I’ve got technical questions, where should I go?

Just send an email to info@socialmediahammer.com with your question(s).

How do I add additional websites to my Social Media Hammer account?
How do I add additional websites to my Social Media Hammer account?

Just click the + on the left user panel to add and verify a new website.

Where can I go for further training?
Where can I go for further training?

We have a series of How To videos on our Social Media Learning Center page.

Can I scrape any website with this tool?
Can I scrape any website with this tool?

You can only scrape websites that you have editing access to or an email address with the same domain name. To protect the reputation of Social Media Hammer, we only allow ethical crawling. To demonstrate a strong relationship to a website, you can add a metatag to the website’s head, upload a simple text file to the website’s root folder, or have an email with the same domain as the website you want to crawl.

What are some limitations of Social Media Hammer?
What are some limitations of Social Media Hammer?

Social Media Hammer isn’t a magic wand, this is especially true is you have a poorly designed website. The tool relies on good HTML markup, this means tags and content not underneath various uncrawlable scripts. Also, because we do ethical crawling, you should only attempts to crawl websites that you manage. The term “limitations” can mean anything, so we suggest you use the free level of service to see how Social Media Hammer crawls your website before you subscribe.

I use a firewall and Social Media Hammer triggers an IP block, what do I do?
I use a firewall and Social Media Hammer triggers an IP block, what do I do?

Firewalls, either by hardware or software can be an issue for tools like Social Media Hammer. Try having our IP whitelisted. Our IP is You may need your webhost to add this to their IP whitelist.

Below is a screenshot of Wordfence’s, a very popular WordPress firewall, 503 error message when Social Media Hammer contacts a website.

web content scraper 503 error troubleshooting

To solve this error, you can add our IP to Wordfence’s IP Whitelist.

Your access to this site has been temporarily limited by the site owner
Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)

If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.

Return to the site home page
If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click “Send”. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access.


Block Technical Data
Block Reason: You have been temporarily locked out of this system. This means that you will not be able to log in for a while.
Time: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 0:55:38 GMT
About Wordfence
Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 3 million WordPress sites. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site.

You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence’s blocking tools, or visit wordfence.com to learn more about Wordfence.

Click here to learn more: Documentation

Generated by Wordfence at Sat, 21 Nov 2020 0:55:38 GMT.
Your computer’s time: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 00:55:16 GMT.

wordpress 503 error wordfence IP whitelist

white list ip wordfence

Here is our IP showing up in the Wordfence Firewall blocked IP list

social media hammer troubleshooting error 503

Add our IP to your firewall whitelist


How often do you add new features?
We are constantly improving Social Media Hammer. For example, here is a feature we are currently working on:

When Social Media Hammer crawls a website, it can be blocked by firewalls or rate limiting features such as those in WordFence. Many websites block IPs if a bot is hitting too many pages in a minute. Some social media managers (the people who will use our product) do not have access to website backends to add our IP to a white list and many do not have the ability to adjust crawl rate limiting. One process we can change is to allow an option to “slow crawl” where Social Media Hammer only crawls 2 pages a minute – the user would be notified of how long the crawl will take if they select this feature. They will get an email when the crawl is complete.

We are adding other features based on customer feedback.