How Social Media Hammer Works
Social Media Hammer is super simple to use. It can create a 300 post bulk upload csv for Hootsuite in two minutes. The csv will have date and time, content, and links. It’s free to try so let’s get started.
How Social Media Hammer Works
Step 1: Add your website URL to the dashboard.
Step 2: Set (a) the start date of your first post (b) the end date of your last post (c) the time(s) o your post each day (d) how many posts per day you want
Step 3: Select your automation tool for csv formatting (Hootsuite, Sprout Social, etc.) and choose the social media platform you want the posts to go to (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
After we convert your website content in to a bulk upload csv, choose your hashtag(s). We will list the most common words from your website or you can add your own.
Step 4: Your social media csv bulk upload file can now be downloaded.
Once you download the csv, you can edit it in Google Sheets if you would like to make any changes before uploading it to a social media automation tool.
You’re Done!
Enter Your URL

Enter your website address including the http:// or https://. If you don’t you will get an error message like this:
The checkbox is to tell Social Media Hammer whether or not to include content with your emails address. We don’t recommend creating social media posts that include your email address. Since Social Media Hammer pulls content from your website, there’s a good chance that it will pull your email address.
Create Schedule

Following these simple steps:
- Select the start date for your social media calendar
- Select the end date for your social media calendar
- Choose if you want to post every day of the week (select Daily) or if you want to choose specific days (select Weekly)
- Keep Interval at 1 if you want to post on the same days every week. If you want to post every second week choose 2; for every third week choose 3, and so on.
- Select how many posts you want each day. For many people, Facebook schedules might only have one or fewer posts a day; Twitter usually has multiple posts per day. You can choose the platforms on the next screen.
- Do you want the post at the same time each day or do you want random times?
- Select the earliest and latest possible times for your posts. Social Media Hammer will randomly pick a time or times within that range.
Choose Platform

Currently, Social Media Hammer will format posts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

In the Select Hashtags step, Social Media Hammer will assist you by highlighting the most common words on your website. If you want to use any of those, just select them.
Enter any additional hashtags you want to use. Then enter how many hashtags you want to add to each post. Be careful not to add to many hashtags to Twitter. Even at 280 characters, you can run out of room and your post will be shortened.
Select Paragraph

We’re getting close to the final product. On this screen you can select or deselect posts. Note the red warning. When we click next we see:
In this demo we chose, Allow us to modify posts to fill out the schedule.

Tools to Simplify and Automate Social Media
Social Media Content Automation: